How to Rid of Mice Without Killing Them

6 Ways To Get Rid of Mice Without Killing Them

  • There are steps you can take to keep the mice at bay before they ever invade your home
  • If they've already let themselves in, there are several ways to get rid of them without hurting them
  • Following the proper steps to releasing them in the wild will help keep them alive after you're gone

Let's be honest, in movies like "Stuart Little" and "Cinderella," pet mice are adorable. However, they're less cute when they're in your home. If you find yourself with a pest problem, you need to figure out how to get rid of mice. Well, there are a couple of things you can do to prevent them from being attracted to your home in the first place.

From making sure your trash is sealed and ensuring food is out of reach and hiding pet food, you can do a few easy things to avoid the pesky critters. But, if you already have a mouse issue, the question still remains how do you get rid of mice in a humane way? Here are six different ways to get rid of mice.

1. Peppermint oil

peppermint oil

Although people love the smell and taste of peppermint, mice like Gus Gus hate it. They have very sensitive noses and the smell of peppermint is too strong for them. Buy some peppermint oil from the store and dab it on a cotton ball. Then, place the peppermint-swabbed cotton balls strategically throughout the apartment where you've seen mice or mice droppings.

It's an easy way to repel mice without having to trap and kill them. This method works best indoors as it'll help retain the strong, mice-repellent smell of peppermint. You can find essential oils at most high-end grocery stores or aromatherapy shops.

2. Cloves


Similar to the smell of peppermint, mice don't like the smell of cloves. Just like you would with the peppermint oil, place the cloves in the areas you find the mice most often.

The smell is almost unbearable to mice and will repel them from entering your apartment in the first place. This affordable, eco-friendly option is a great way to rid yourself of your problem while also making your home smell lovely.

3. Aluminum foil

aluminum foil ball

Almost everyone has aluminum foil in their kitchen supply drawer. This is an inexpensive and easy way to get rid of your mouse problem. Simply take the aluminum foil and ball it up.

From there, you'll want to place the balls of the foil where you've seen the mouse entering and exiting the apartment. Mice don't like the feel or sound of foil so it's a simple method to humanely repel mice from attempting to enter your apartment.

4. Live catch and release traps

catch and release traps

Catch and release traps are a classic way to get rid of mice without the killing part. Take some appealing food like crackers — Saltines, to be specific — and spread them with peanut butter. Next, take the crackers and place them in the trap. The mice will smell the salty treat and enter the trap.

Once the mouse is in the trap, the door will shut behind them. This trap does not kill the mouse, it just contains it. Once you have it trapped, just pick up the trap, take it outside and release the little creature into the wild. The mouse lives and you return to your apartment mouse-free.

Consider using a trap like the Mouse Cube, which is designed to not harm mice.

Bonus tip: It's best to relocate the mouse about two to three miles away from your home to decrease the chances of it returning. Also, if you have to wait for better weather to relocate the mice, avoid handling it as much as possible. Mice do better with as little human contact as possible. Another tip is to drop them off in an area away from humans and ideally surrounded by rocks or trees so they're able to build a nest.

5. Repellents


Repellents are another easy way to get rid of mice. All you have to do is spray the repellent in any area where you've noticed mice and they'll be gone. Although some repellents are toxin-free, it's best to wear gloves just to be safe.

6. Ultrasonic repellents

ultrasonic repellents

These little devices are great for getting rid of mice. They send out ultrasonic waves that create a sound that drives mice crazy. Since they hate the sound, they'll be gone in a flash. All you have to do is place the device where the mice are, turn it on and your problem is solved.

This device is also great because it's safer for other pets than other forms of getting rid of mice, such as poison. You don't have to worry about the mice or your other furry loved ones anymore.

How to get rid of mice without harming them

If you'd ever wondered how to get rid of mice, you now have seven humane and safe ways to do so. Now, you'll never be left wondering how to get rid of them. These helpful tips will help you to make your house a cleaner, mouse-free place without harming any animals in the process.



How to Rid of Mice Without Killing Them


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