Bistromd the-7-types-of-vegetarian-dietsthe 7 Types of Vegetarian Diets Bistromd

The 7 Types of Vegetarian Diets

""An ovo-pollo-lacto-flexitarian what?" you wonder after reading the latest on vegetarian diets…Broadly speaking, a vegetarian diet is an eating pattern that includes plant-based foods, including grains, fruits, veggies, legumes, pulses, nuts and seeds, but omits meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or by-products of animal slaughter.However, there are certain levels of vegetarianism, as some followers pick and choose allowable animal products in their diet. This tends to spark prospective followers and outlookers to wonder, "What do you call a vegetarian that eats fish?" or "Do vegetarians eat eggs?"

1. Lacto-ovo Vegetarian…consume dairy and egg products

2. Lacto Vegetarian…consume dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.

3. Ovo Vegetarian…consume egg products"


"4. Flexitarian…semi-vegetarians, focus primarily consume a plant-based diet though enjoys meat on occasion.

5.Pollotarian…semi-vegetarian diet in which someone chooses to eat chicken and other poultry

6. Pescatarian…also considered a flexitarian and semi-vegetarian diet. Pescatarians eat fish and shellfish

7. Vegan…unlike vegetarians that may enjoy a more liberal diet, going vegan is going without all animal products, even in the forms of honey, gelatin, wool, leather, and other animal by-product ingredients or products. Vegans typically do not use animal products such as silk, leather and wool, as well."

(via The 7 Types of Vegetarian Diets | BistroMD)


Better than veggie: Eat chicken to fight climate change

"You could say that chicken is like an electrical car - it is a better alternative, yet still very similar to what we are accustomed to."

In fact the environment benefits in switching from cattle to poultry were even greater than a switch from poultry to vegan. He also predicted that if more consumers ditched beef and dairy en masse, food manufacturers would respond with substitute products."

(via Better than veggie: Eat chicken to fight climate change |Food Navigator)


What is a pescatarian diet?

"In the pescatarian diet, a person's main source of animal protein comes from fish and other seafood, such as shrimp.Eating a diet consisting mainly of plant-based foods has a variety of health benefits, which the addition of fish and fish products may enhance.However, some types of fish may absorb mercury from their environment, so certain people may need to limit their intake…

Eating fish, especially fatty fish, provides increased long-chain omega-3 fatty acid intake. An omega-3 fatty acid is an unsaturated fat that can be beneficial to people, and some omega-3s are integral for healthy living.

People who eat fish have lower blood pressure, a lower risk of abnormal heart rhythms, and fewer fatal heart attacks than those who do not include fish in their diet."


"Some people choose vegetarian diets because they disagree with factory farming practices or killing animals for food.

For people concerned about animal welfare, the pescatarian diet may be a little more suitable. This is because some scientists argue that fish cannot feel pain. A 2015 study concluded that although fish can experience psychological stress, they lack the neural network necessary to experience pain."


"Heavy metal and pollutants in marine fish is a global issue. With 92 percent of fish consumed by humans being marine fish, mostly from coastal fisheries, there is a risk of contamination.

Mercury is present in the atmosphere and bodies of water and, because of this, nearly all fish may be a source of mercury.

For most people, the mercury present in fish is not a risk, explain the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

However, they advise women considering becoming pregnant, women who are pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children not to eat specific fish."


(via What is a pescatarian diet? |Medical News Today)


Bistromd the-7-types-of-vegetarian-dietsthe 7 Types of Vegetarian Diets Bistromd


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